IMPK113注册表下载 暗黑1.13智能升级补丁
  游戏简介 | 功略技巧 | 人物角色 | 城镇角色 | 魔法技能 | 药水 | 怪物
魔法词缀 | 武器装备 | 场景地形 | 战网 | 经验值 | 祭坛神殿 | 隐藏物品


神殿名称 显示文字 效果
Abandoned "The hands of men may be guided by fate" +2 敏捷.
Creepy "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith" +2 力量.
Cryptic "Arcane power brings destruction" 恢复满法力值并施放出新星法术.
Divine "Drink and be refreshed" 恢复生命和法力. 在地下城的 1-3 层, 给一个大型生命药剂和一个大型法力药剂. 在其他层的地下城, 给二个全部恢复药剂.
Eerie "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self" +2 魔法.
Eldritch "Crimson and Azure become as the sun" 所有药剂都变为全部恢复药剂.
Enchanted "Magic is not always what it seems to be" 某一法术降低一个等级 (在第 15 层为两个等级). 其他所有法术提升一个等级.
Fascinating "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom" 损失 10% 的基础法力值并提升火球法术两级.
Glimmering "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason" 鉴定所有物品栏中的装备.
Gloomy "Those who defend seldom attack" 所有防具+2 AC 并且所有武器 -1 最大伤害值.
Hidden "New strength is forged through destruction" 某一装备物品 -10 耐久度. 其他物品 +10 耐久度 (不会使物品耐久度变为 0).
Holy "Wherever you go, there you are" 施放闪现法术.
Magical "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives" 施放法力护盾法术.
Mysterious "Some are weakened as one grows strong" +5 某一属性, -1 所有属性.
Ornate "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom" 损失 10% 的基础法力值并提升圣光弹法术两级.
Quiet "The essence of life flows from within" +2 体力.
Religious "Time cannot diminish the power of steel" 恢复所有物品耐久度.
Sacred "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom" 损失 10% 的基础法力值并提升充能弹法术两级.
Secluded "The way is made clear when viewed from above" 显示当前地下城完整地图.
Spiritual "Riches abound when least expected" 在某一空闲无品栏给予一小堆金币.
Spooky "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward" (user), "Blessed by a benevolent companion!" (others) 所有其他玩家恢复满生命和法力.
Stone "The powers of mana refocused renews" 所有法杖类物品使用次数恢复满.
Tainted "Those who are last may yet be first" (user), "Generosity brings its own reward" (others) 其他玩家某一属性 +1, 其他所有属性 -1.
Thaumaturgic "What once was opened now is closed" 当前地下城所有箱子重置.
Weird "The sword of justice is swift and sharp" 物品栏中所有武器 +1 最大伤害.

神殿名称 显示文字 效果
Blood Fountain Related to effect 使用时每次恢复 1 点生命.
Cauldron 随机效果.
Fountain of Tears +1 某一属性, -1 其他所有属性.
Goat Shrine Related to effect 随机效果.
Murky Pool 施放 Infravision 法术.
Purifying Spring 使用时每次恢复 1点法力.